How to Remove Reviews from Facebook in 2021

Are you looking to learn how to remove reviews from Facebook? Well, you are in luck. If you’ve got a Facebook company Page (and if you don’t, you should), then you have probably already made good use from the testimonials attribute. Facebook reviews enable consumers to give you a 1-to-5-star rating, with or without an added explanation.

Today we’re going to show you why online reviews thing and the choices you’ve got for eliminating bad reviews on Facebook. After reading this article, you should get a better grip on how to manage your company’s image on Facebook.

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Remove Facebook Review Section from Business Page

While removing Facebook reviews may look to be a good alternative for someone who’s received numerous negative reviews, remember that you also won’t have positive testimonials to show, either due to the methodology. In order to eliminate all negative testimonials, you need to remove the entire testimonials section from the Facebook Page. We do not advise doing so since having online reviews (good or bad) still raises your chances of landing clients. But we’ll teach you how you can remove the Reviews section from the FB company Page.

Remember that disabling your reviews doesn’t delete them, it only hides them. In case you choose to enable your reviews again, the same testimonials will come back up.

If you are like us, odds are you don’t want to eliminate ALL the testimonials from the Facebook Page. In the end, you likely have some really great reviews there! That means you might be asking yourself how to delete the poor or fake/spammy reviews. Well, as of right now, that is unfortunately not a choice on Facebook.

You can’t pick and choose which reviews you delete. While it’s frustrating, just think about how much it is helping honest companies like yours from being in precisely the exact same group as frauds who only publish positive reviews. In the long run, the bad guys will get weeded out, and you’re going to rise above in the event that you keep on making clients happy. A couple of bad reviews will not kill your street cred.

But you do have one choice: Reporting reviews. You can report a fishy review to Facebook so that they can investigate whether or not it should be removed.



How to Flag/Report a Facebook Review:

  1. Visit the review
  2. Click on the”…” in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Click”Report Post”
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Impact Facebook Reviews Have on Businesses

Public opinion can have a big effect on your institution’s success. No matter which type of support or product you offer, if people discuss it, then others will listen. Obviously, that is bad for business if you are getting bad online reviews. As a business with a website, it is crucial that you garner online testimonials –folks want to have opinions on whether or not they need to provide you their cash, and reviews are often a big proponent from the decision-making process.

In fact, 90% of customers read 10 or fewer reviewers before trusting a business! And, to add to this, they invest about 31% more cash if a business has excellent reviews. (See more online review analytics here.)

When most companies would like to receive positive reviews 100% of their time, it’s simply not realistic. And, unfortunately, on average, one negative review may cost you, 30 clients. Ouch. So, how can you fix this situation if it occurs? Well, you can start by eliminating reviews on Facebook. Here are your options for handling and removing unwanted Facebook reviews.


How to Remove Reviews from Facebook


How to Handle Facebook Reviews

As you can not just remove the bad ones and coverage testimonials may not be powerful for you, your best option for managing your company’s Facebook image would be to learn how to properly manage and answer Facebook reviews.

If a customer leaves a positive review, it’s recommended that you at least”just like” their inspection, and then possibly thank the bridesmaids. Doing so will promote them to continue speaking highly of you. If you are not sure how to word your responses, we’ve compiled useful positive review reply templates in addition to use hints.

Responding to negative testimonials not only gives you the opportunity to apologize but in some cases, you are also able to give your side of the story if appropriate. By handling your negative reviews with honesty and class, you are showing potential customers that you’re willing to take responsibility. Additionally, it reveals how good your customer service is. These negative review reply templates and tips can help you navigate horrible comments easily.

To utilize your positive reviews to your benefit, we suggest promoting them. Broadly has a special service that can help turn positive reviews into clickable Facebook advertisements, amplifying those stellar results you always promise. Let your best reviews outshine the few bad eggs.

Obviously, the best method to keep managing your online reputation would be to continually ask for testimonials from happy customers. Eventually, you will have so many great reviews, the bad ones won’t even matter!

Whether good or bad, getting Facebook Reviews is crucial if you would like to boost your client base. Just remember that, even though you can not eliminate the undesirable ones, you can still change the narrative with a well-thought-out response. And you may become even more favorable reviews with the support of Broadly.

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How Online Reputation Management Works in 2021

Online Reputation Management Process Explained

Are you interested in learning how online reputation management works? In this article, we will define what online reputation management (ORM) is and share some of the most influential approaches and methods we use every day here at GuaranteedRemoval to resolve issues for our clients.


There are a lot of delusions regarding online reputation management. Some individuals think it’s simply monitoring your online presence, while others assume it has something to do with public relationships, yet some literally have no clue about how it can affect businesses and their bottom line.


In this guide, We are going to clarify the purpose of online reputation management in today’s market and business world.


Businesses of all sizes can profit from obtaining a precise framework of its core theories.

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Why Online Reputation Matters

Not only do individuals see the internet as their primary expert of data, however, they also believe what sites such as Google shows them. 


Moreso, individuals make choices based on what they discover online. How scary is that?

  • 66% of people view the internet as the most credible reference for information about a person or a company
  • 70% of business directors have denied an applicant due to something they saw online.
  • When scanning online for a nearby business, 97% of individuals religiously read online reviews 
  • More than 80% of reputation damages arise from confusion or misinterpretation amidst the buzz and what is the truth, or reality


After viewing those statistics, it’s obvious that what happens online influences your life, before, now and in the future.


How Online Reputation Management Works
How Online Reputation Management Works


Mixing On/Offline

In this digital age, the online world is shifting into more of a necessity as they need it to deal with the rest of our activities. 


Even if you need to touch a computer, you are using technology every single day. This may be driving your car, adjusting your smart thermostat or even cruising around in your new Tesla. 


99% of United States citizen-consumers some form of technology or “smart device” on a daily basis.


This suggests that there are an infinite amount of ways for you to create your digital footprint. Whether it be positive or negative.


Furthermore, you may not believe that individuals are searching for you online, however, there is a great chance people are.


With over 7 Billion people on Earth, it would be crazy to think that not one of them is not looking you up.


Typical causes involve:

  • Companies doing pre-interview analysis
  • Landowners researching potential renters
  • Children seeking to find details of their parents
  • Inquisitive significant others, both past, and present
  • Previous co-workers hoping to bestow professional opportunities
  • University admission committees assessing soon-to-be students
  • Insurance firms performing risk evaluations


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How Online Reputation Management Works

Help like this utilizes a combo of public relations techniques coupled with high-level SEO methods in order to build positive online content. These tactic works to push anything negative off of the first page on each search engines’ results.


May entail:

  • Designing and optimizing domains
  • Generating high-quality backlinks
  • Thoughtful management posts
  • Social media control
  • Managing online reviews
  • Content curation



Why Online Reputation?

It doesn’t matter if you are the CEO of a large corporation, a sales director, business executive, a diplomat or even a small business proprietor, your online reputation is your most important asset. 


Perversely, whether your search results display positive or negative results, these listings will define the overall online reputation of yourself or your business.


So when is it important to have a positive reputation online?

  • Driving an IPO
  • Obtaining funding for a business adventure
  • Drawing in new potential customers
  • Forming a strategic business alliance
  • Competing for public office
  • Improving your career path


What Are the Benefits of Online Reputation Management

  • Make sure your online reputation matches your business or personal brand. 
  • Lessen brand uncertainty within Google, Bing, and Yahoo’s search results
  • Recognize and combat detrimental reputation brand crises
  • Defend your reputation and your future with a decisive, accurate web appearance
  • Create a network of online connections in order to create more trust and credibility amongst your customers
  • Respond to negative and untruthful reviews, posts, and/or news articles.
  • Elaborate on preexisting online marketing campaigns that showed success
  • Ascertain yourself as a trusted expert online as well as across all social media platforms


You have presumably recognized by now that reputation management does not come with a step-by-step how-to or should you see fast results. 


ORM is a long-term plan to preserve and strengthen your online reputation for what happened in the past, what’s happening today, and what you expect to happen in the future. 


What type of difficulties can a well constructed online reputation management strategy fix?


Negative Online Reviews

Negative reviews on Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Ripoff Report will cost businesses hundreds of billions of dollars each year. These are sites where customers can leave an unbiased opinion, it is essentially a place where disgruntled customers come to slander and defame businesses. (Click here to learn how to remove negative online reviews)


This is because consumers overwhelmingly believe online reviews when trying to learn about particular products and services prior to visiting their store or website to make a purchase.


Even worse, customers infrequently distinguish the truth amongst genuine customer complaints and fraudulent lower star ratings. 


However, don’t panic. can assist you with review management. This way you know what consumers are saying about you at all times. The best part is now you can act fast before the situation worsens.


Negative Online Reviews



Unfair Competition

Customers do a lot of investigation online prior to making that final purchase. Moreover, corresponding posts have a notable influence on their ultimate decision.


Wistfully, hundreds of product connection sites are associated with one of the products they are relating to. So that means that many of those sites are in fact controlled by the same company


Unwanted News Articles & Posts

Negative articles are a tremendous online reputation problem for most of our clients. Distressed press pulls down a company’s reputation, and quickly. 


This can affect a company’s total revenue, hiring, and employee retention as well as funding. So, financial firms succumb to a massive loss in clients. As investors unload stocks, and customers stop buying or talking about you.


However, negative Google results are not the only thing that affects businesses. False knowledge and public scandals help potential customers determine whether or not a particular company has a positive or negative online reputation.


Unfortunately, when reporters get ahold of a fascinating narrative, they oftentimes distribute it while it’s hot, this means before the truth is released. Even if the story is ultimately disproved, it may stay on the internet indefinitely. 


Damage is further increased as false stories are distributed out to hundreds or thousands of readers.


Brand Crises & Attacks on Your Reputation

Online slander is possibly one of the worst obstacles you can have when operating a business. It’s not enjoyable, as a business owner, when negative content is referencing your business online. Furthermore, nothing is more damaging than malicious, opprobrious attacks.


Whether the cause is a dissatisfied past worker, a hostile ex, or a sneaky unethical competitor. You must combat this negativity at all costs. Nevertheless, be prepared as these situations can be remarkably fragile.


Consequently enough, it is sufficient to solicit advice from online reputation management experts such as GuaranteedRemoval before you end up making matters worse.


Brand Crises



Uncertainty About Your Brand

Not all companies have uncommon names. If your business name is also a popular word then you may struggle to find decent online exposure.


This does not only limits your online marketing efforts, but it also deters potential customers from discovering your site. If you are interested in learning more about Online Reputation Management visit



Lack of Brand Clarity

You may have an immaculate online reputation, nevertheless, others who talk about you online (your customers) may not be as careful. 


Unfortunately, online personality disorder could cause someone else’s social media profiles, ellicit images, and mug shots to show within your own search results. 


You may know which results are yours, however, others might not be able to distinguish between what is about you and someone else that has the same name as you.


Brands are in more danger online than ever before. Fictitious profiles are emerging and they have the power to severely undermine a business’ reputation only if customers think they’re your real accounts.


Misleading Online Profiles

GuaranteedRemoval clients consist of global business directors and contributors who have worked to help change the world. 


Although, their personal search results did not explicitly reflect their lifetime achievements. 


GuaranteedRemoval will help ensure that your online reputation management is both positive and authentic.

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Fighting Bad Yelp Reviews in 2021 (We Can Help)

5 Steps to Dealing with Bad Yelp Reviews

Featuring your company on Yelp, along with other online review sites is an essential part of the online advertising process. However, every time a negative review begins to spoil your small business, what can you do? What steps can you take when dealing with bad reviews on Yelp leading into 2020.

You’ve established your small company and proudly begun to promote it on the internet. You have established a website and you have started to construct your profile on lots of different online platforms such as Yelp! The internet’s most notorious review website, and a few months later, out of nowhere, a horrible review. How is this possible?!

As a business owner, it is normal to want to protect your business at all costs. However, what happens when you do not control the content? How can you fight to remove a bad review on Yelp yourself? Is it even possible?

In short, removing content (especially reviews) online is no easy feat. Most of these review platforms have detailed disclaimers most business owners skip past while setting up their profile. One of these is that Yelp has full discretion of what reviews prompt for your business.

Suffering from a bad review on Yelp is like suffering from the plague as any business owner should know. Negative reviews (warranted or not) create an immense backlash on the effected parties’ professional and personal life. More often than not, removing a Yelp review is an impossible task as the platform has strict removal guidelines. Heavily favored the consumers of course. Therefore, you must learn how to cope with that negative review.

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1. Denial

“This review does not mean anything. They do not understand what they are discussing. Nobody will see it”


Thinking that a bad Yelp review is no big deal is an understatement to say that least. 9 out of 10 consumers tend to browse online reviews before making a purchase online. If you are a local business or boutique a 1-star review could end up costing you 9% in revenue compared to having a positive rating. The first phase is always to hardest, however, if you keep the end in mind you can see past this short-term obstacle knowing you can earn more positive reviews in the near future to make up for it.


2. Anger

“They do not understand what they are referring to? They are out to undermine me and my organization.”


As a business owner, you must come to understand that not everybody is going to love you or your business. That is just the simple fact of the matter. You cannot please everyone. But you can make the most of those happy potential customers. So always remember to remain optimistic as you grow. Take the negative comments and reviews to heart but turn them into constructive criticism. These can be things you can learn to improve on in the future. Think of your angry customers as your fuel or motivation, as long as you are being productive towards the business.


3. Bargaining

“Perhaps if I contact Yelp! And clarify the situation they will get rid of the negative feedback for me?!”


At the end of the day, Yelp does not care about what happened. If you can disprove the review and show Yelp it is fraudulent they may review the case. However 9/10 times, they will tell you to contact the customer to make amends. Meaning you must get that individual to update/edit the review themselves.


bad yelp reviews


4. Depression

“My company is over! Nobody could ever purchase anything from me. I need to just pack up and move to some other state.”


Yes, negative reviews are costing your business revenue at the end of the day. However, know that this obstacle is temporary and not permanent. If you consistently work towards generating positive reviews with your new customers and clientele you can balance out the negative review. Giving up is never the answer, just because a single individual didn’t like your goods/services it no reason to throw it the towel. Think about how many happy customers you served. Remember they always say, people will always leave a negative review but rarely a nice one.

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5. Acceptance

“People will always hate on successfully people – I am bound to find a mixture of positive and negative reviews.”

Acceptance is a hazardous spot to find yourself once you cycle through the five phases. The truth is, poor reviews can certainly affect your small business, particularly among 30-45-year-olds. Millennials and Gen Xers, the emerging set of maturing customers with raising earnings, rely heavily on internet reviews prior to making buying decisions based on recent market study. A proactive response to negative testimonials is the secret to turning negative testimonials into a great thing for your company. This is the best thing you can do for your business.


“A Good Thing” – That’s a Joke Right?

No, we are not joking. In traditional marketing, companies spent plenty of effort and money attempting to accumulate honest opinions on their products and services. This way they can operate to optimize their business to be better and more powerful. Now, the web offers feedback for us at no cost. It is public, but nevertheless the advice useful.


Turn Lemons into Lemonade

1. Inspect the Validity of the Review

This is an arduous measure particularly in the event that you’ve got a great deal of pride in your small business. Which the majority of us do. Just take a deep breath and step out of yourself for an instant and calmly analyze the review for the positive and negative points.


2. Conduct an Internal Business Audit

Typically, if you are experiencing several bad reviews on the internet, you have got a problem with one of those three P’s that has to be fixed.

3 P’s of Marketing

  • Price
  • Placement
  • Promotion


That is when you’re able to use these online reviews as a chance to boost your small business. Obtaining bad reviews about your service or product? Maybe your product/service is faulty – if so, take time to return to the drawing board and create serious basic alterations. Are your rates are too large? See if there are any similarities amongst the negative reviews.

Consumers seldom complain about reduced rates. Perhaps you miscalculated your cost positioning dependent on the competition. Complaints about merchandise delivery or customer services? Your merchandise placement/distribution desires a tune-up. Time to look at your general distribution version and execute new training.


3. Responding to Bad Yelp Reviews

Do not let your poor testimonials burn a hole into your online reputation. Websites such as Yelp as well as consumer testimonials on places such as are there to provide transparency to the customer. Show your customers that you saw their feedback by responding publicly in a calm and respectful way. Address the matter and how you want to solve it. Always take the conversation offline if possible.

The majority of people will be impressed with your willingness to socialize and discover a solution. By responding you are not only showing the disgruntled customer that you genuinely care about pleasing them, but you always show your potential audience that you are a good person.

Online reviews are part of the new age in advertising. Make the most of the additional vulnerability and enjoy the outcomes.

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Importance of a Positive Reputation

What is the importance of a positive reputation? Get the latest on why a good online image is so critical to success. 


In 2020, consumers turn to the internet for answers to all of their problems. This is especially true when individuals are deciding to do business or buy from a new brand or company


As a business owner, it is imperative that you work to build that safety net. A safety net we like to call your online reputation management strategy. That way, when a brand crisis emerges, you are fully prepared to face it effectively head-on. 


Every business’s reputation rests upon its customers (past and future). What people say about you online, no matter if it is true or false, will impact your bottom line.


Importance of a Positive Reputation 1


Companies with a bad reputation not only lessen their revenue stream. They start digging a hole that will be extremely difficult to overcome in the future. Whereas the benefits of a positive reputation online may attract more customers than you have ever imagined.


In this article, we will outline the importance of reputation management and the benefits of a good company reputation in 2020.

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A Good Reputation Requires Patience & Character

Building a good reputation, whether it be for a business or an individual takes time. There is no magic trick to make negative content vanish online. There are certain circumstances where you can convince the webmaster (or whoever published the negative content) to kindly remove it.


However, for most businesses (and especially individuals) this process is not as simple as it seems. Managing to uphold a positive reputation online should be at the root of your mission statement or one of the main focuses for your business.


Importance of a Positive Reputation 2


In  2020, there are no more first impressions. Consumers have all the access they need for finding important feedback about any company. This can include online reviews, public files, and even financial records. Most of which can be found with a simple Google Search.


For this reason, only, companies end up spending 10 times more than what they have to on advertising and marketing. Just to “flood out” any negative results that may linger online. 


Did you know that nearly 80% of consumers will change their mind about making a purchase after seeing a single negative remark online?


The Ripple Effect of a Good Online Reputation

Generating a ripple effect and expanding your potential marketing effortlessly is possible thanks to online reputation management


Have you ever noticed way certain companies can charge a higher cost for their products even when consumers know they are paying too much? Has your friend ever purchased a good item and talked up the store so much you had to check it out? Or maybe you are a business owner and one day you wake up to customers waiting outside before you even open?!


If this point in time, you’re probably wondering “Yeah sure, that’s great in theory and I would love for that to happen, but how?”. The answer is much simpler than you thing. 


Importance of a Positive Reputation 3


Take a step back and brainstorm all the companies (in your opinion) that had a tremendous amount of success in a relatively fast timeframe. Examples that come to mind could be, LuLuLemon, Supreme, Uber, White Claw, and even SiriusXM. What do they all have in common?


Stumped? Let us help. They all have extremely good online reputations


All of these companies were successfully able to adapt to the digital movement and create segments of popular markets.

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Most of these companies stay on top of reputational trends, marketing at the right time, and use word-of-mouth marketing to expand their customer base.


LuLuLemon: Sponsors popular sporting events & markets as affordable luxury activewear.

Supreme: Luxury streetwear for elitists (able to charge 10x for the same product)

Uber: Reduce drunk driving, save money with ride-share, creates freedom, and endless job opportunities. “Your day belongs to you”

White Claw: Front leaders in the “hard seltzer” movement. Appealing to everyone with their catchy slogan “Ain’t no laws when your drinking Claws”.


Online Reviews

The importance of a positive reputation when it comes to online reviews is unmatched. Some say your online reviews controls 80% of the perception consumers make when creating that “first impression”. 

  • 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. 
  • 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews before making purchases
  • Online reviews have been shown to impact 67.7% of purchasing decisions.
  • 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation.
  • 74% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more. 
  • Every one-star increase in a Yelp rating means a 5 to 9% increase in revenue. 
  • 82% of Yelp users said they typically visit Yelp because they intend to buy a product or service.
  • 80% of consumers will change their mind about making a purchase due to bad review or negative information online.
  • 85% of tech buyers read up to 10 online reviews before making a purchase.


Importance of a Positive Reputation 4


Word of Mouth

Studies have shown that the positive use of word-of-mouth marketing generates 700% better results than traditional marketing. One bad experience can blacklist a company from an entire family or friend group from ever shopping there.


On the opposition, however, have a positive experience in this department will generate seemingly endless amounts of opportunities for your business.


Generating word-of-mouth marketing can be simpler than you might expect. Yes, consumers are going to say and do what they want. However, if you vaguely mention something to them about spreading the word, overtime you will see results.


Importance of a Positive Reputation 5


One way you can incentivize your customers would be to create a loyalty program and hand out discount coupons with a number (designated to that initial customer). That way every time Jane Doe refers someone you know who and when it was so you can thank them next time you see them.


In theory, one person refers to three more people than those three people refer three more. Now you can 13 potential customers ready to purchase from you all thanks to one.


Conclusion: Importance of a Positive Reputation

At the end of the day, your customers will say whatever they want about you. Often times, disgruntled customers seem to hold nothing back online, coming for the throats of the business owners. However, it is important to remember the importance of a positive reputation – and that you are at least partially in control. There are infinite options and routes you can take to improve the public perception of your brand.


If you would like to learn more about how has helped thousands of businesses and individuals restore a positive reputation and finally take back control of their online reputation.


Remember, it takes 20 years to build a good reputation but only 5 seconds to lose it. Keep this in mind throughout life and your perspective will quickly change from all walks of life. Get in touch today, our team is standing by.

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Reputation Score Explained in 2019

What is Your Reputation Score?

Your clients are continually talking — yet would you say you are tuning in?


Decent notoriety focuses on a sound brand, which implies you are dependable and give outstanding client experience. Negative reputation? Development stagnation and income misfortune are unavoidable side-effects of working in the business. However, it is about how you overcome adversity that sets you up for success instead of failure.


Do you know your reputation score? You can’t respond to this inquiry precisely without access to refined client information, in light of the fact that your reputation score has little to do with your (one-sided) view of your image. Your clients are the ones who drive your score, with their online reviews, feedback, and communication. With a couple of words, they can either support it or tear it down.


You have critical command over your reputation online — as long as you are checking your Reputation Score and utilizing the information to improve your clients’ encounters.



Determining Your Reputation Score Yourself

Your Reputation Score reveals to you whether your online nearness is aiding or harming your mission. It fills you in as to whether you would:

  • Pass an on the web/internet based life individual verification
  • Come up short an on the web-based life individual verification
  • Exceed expectations in an on the web/internet based life individual verification
  • Our Reputation Score is the main innovation that precisely scours the whole web to coordinate your pictures, internet-based life, Google results, and more against a known database of warnings and strengthening factors that businesses use to screen you. Your Reputation Score resembles a FICO assessment for your computerized impression.


Like a FICO assessment, your Reputation Score can run from “Poor” to “Astounding”. Your genuine score best out at a limit of 800. Individuals with higher scores are factually bound to win profession openings than individuals who have lower scores.


Ways to Improve Your Reputation Score?

Furthermore, what can you do for free and at home to work on improving your online reputation score? How can you start to make a positive impact on your name when others are searching for you.


Aside from things such as your credit score, your reputation score can sometimes easily be skewed or spiral out of control. But the good news is there are many things you can do to restore your reputation is its former glory.


Just like businesses have online reviews, individuals can utilize networks such as social media to voice their side of the story in order to give their readers some background knowledge about them before jumping to any rash conclusions.


Reputation Score
Reputation Score


Most individuals assume that it is impossible to keep constant control of their online search results when in reality (if you are not a celebrity) minimal efforts can alter what shows on Google, Bing, or Yahoo.


Here are the top 4 tips we recommend so you can start to create a positive image for yourself online and improve your overall reputation score.


1. Improving Your Google Search Results

Start by researching yourself. Act as if you know nothing about who you are.


What type of impression do your search results give? Are they positive? Is there anything at all?


After doing some thorough research you can either compile a list of the websites that mention your name or you can simply start to create new content yourself!


By using content creation sites such as you can easily design beautiful artwork that you can share on social media! Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram tend to high favorably on Google so don’t be shy. Share, share and share as much quality content as you can.


However, make sure your name is included somewhere on the post in order for Google to match it accordingly.


2. Online Reputation Management Campaigns

You can hire online reputation management or content creation agency such as

Our specialists can handle anything from removing negative or unwanted content from Google, Bing, or  Yahoo. To creating personalized exact-match domain websites to showcase your talents, guaranteed to rank highly on each search engine.


The point of online reputation management campaigns is of course to improve your existing reputation score. So if you are interested in learning more about how we can help you, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you as soon as we can.


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3. Create a Personal Brand

Are you looking for a new job, new home or possibly giving online dating a shot? If so, creating a personal brand for yourself is absolutely imperative.


Not only will you stand out and increase the number of positive search results about yourself but you are also showing future employers or business connections that you take pride in yourself and your work. You go the extra mile to showcase it.


Watch this short video below to get a better understand of how you can begin to develop a personal brand that works best for you.



4. Dive into Social Media

We live in a digital era where individuals spend an average of 10 hours per week on their smartphones or laptops/computers. Facebook alone has an active user base that well exceeds one billion people.


In the past people who chose whether or not it was “worth it” to create social media accounts however now (unless you want to live off the grid), it is important that you not only create these various platforms but post on the monthly, weekly or even daily.


By putting out more and more positive (self-published) content about yourself you are slowly but surely working to improve your overall reputation score online.


Here are the Top 10 social media websites you should create a profile on as soon as possible:

  1. Facebook
  2. WhatsApp
  3. YouTube
  4. FB Messenger
  5. Instagram
  6. QQ
  7. Tumblr
  8. Twitter
  9. Quora
  10. TikTok


How We Can Help Better Your Reputation Score

Begin by focusing on any slanderous substance in reference to your name and amend the circumstances in an auspicious way. On the off chance that you didn’t post a photograph of yourself and might want it removed, our team of removal specialists has the capacity to remove the data effortlessly.


Call us today at 833-873-0360 to talk with a proficient SEO specialist. We offer campaigns for anybody, regardless of the spending we will do everything possible to guarantee your reputation score is positive.


All in all, GuaranteedRemoval emerges from the pack on account of our restrictive monitor programming. No hazard and high reward seem like a formula for success. We anticipate talking with you soon.


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Remove Online Reviews, Made Easier with Online Reputation

What is the secret on how to remove online reviews? Negative consumer feedback and reviews are the leading deterrents for prospective customers and clientele.


90% of consumers utilize online reviews before making any purchasing decisions.


So how do you maintain a positive image for your company despite what a few people said about you online?


For starters, you present the facts and admit fault and responsibility for any wrongdoings. In this article, we will break down the most effective ways to remove online reviews when possible.


In 2019, the internet is home to various tools to assist you and further protect your company’s brand from being slandered online. Unfortunately, consumers are more likely to leave a negative review over a positive one, why is this? What can you do to combat this negativity and protect your online reputation?


Let us walk you through the best steps you can start to implement today so you will be ready to deal with any brand crises that come your way. But first, let’s cover why you would need to remove online reviews in the first place.

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Why Should You Remove Online Reviews?

In this digital era as you may already know, consumers turn to the internet for everything. What should they eat for dinner? Where should they go on vacation? What is the best restaurant in town? This is why it is so crucial to maintaining positive reviews, they are your initial “selling points” and decider of whether your brand is trustworthy or not.


For most business owners it can be difficult to generate reviews online for your business. Not to mention positive reviews. Consumers love to smear the reputation of businesses where they felt the service they received was inadequate or subpar.


Removing online reviews can be extremely beneficial. When a negative review is posted, as a business owner, you must know the best course of action to decrease any negative impacts.


To remove online reviews on sites such as Yelp, BBB, and Google there are specific guidelines reviewers must pass in order for their comments to “stick”. This prevents a random individual from posting nasty reviews for no reason.


Remove Online Reviews


Can You Remove Bad Online Reviews?

In short, yes and no. There are many ways to have a review removed but they must adhere to the policy guidelines of that particular review platform (Yelp, BBB, Google, etc).


For example, you cannot remove online reviews just because you do not like them. About two years ago there was no possible way to remove negative (or misleading positive) reviews on the internet. You simply had to deal with it and roll with the punches.


In order to remove online reviews, you must be able to prove that the person who left the review was either lying, never a customer, or in some cases, they are a competitor looking to defame your brand. This helps filter out reviews such as “I called them and they were rude” or “their location was messy so I left without buying anything”. In order for a review to remain online, it must come from a customer and contain honest feedback.


Over recent years review sites have caught onto this theory and updated the way they operate in order to assist businesses through these tough and stressful times.


So generally speaking, you can remove online reviews IF you meet the criteria. Although it can be rare for these sites to comply right away, it is possible.


If you are currently struggling with negative reviews and cannot figure out the best way to handle it please contact us for assistance, 786-363-8509.


We recommend visiting each review platform and thoroughly reading their privacy policy as well as their terms and conditions pages. When creating new profiles on additional platforms or business listing read these pages before building the profile.


Here are the top 5 review platform we recommend:

  1. Google My Business
  2. Yelp
  3. Amazon (for products)
  4. TrustPilot
  5. G2Crowd
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Best Ways to Remove Online Reviews (if applicable)

As you work to combat negative reviews online it is important to remember that you are a business and others will see your rebuttals and answers to preexisting negative comments.


Since you are working to protect your reputation remain positive, calm, and always take responsibility even when you know you are right. This will resonate with prospective customers who are considering buying from you, creating instant trust.


angry customers bad reviews


Removal Option 1:

Contact the individual who left the review and incentivize them to update or remove it. Many businesses will offer gift cards, money-back, or even free products if that means restoring their reviews to its former glory.


Here is a shortlist of the best consumer incentives to curate positive reviews online:

  • Price Reductions: rebates, coupons, discounts, B.O.G.O. deals, etc.
  • Loyalty Plus Programs: Store credit, as this encourages repeat business
  • Promotional Items: Offer free merchandise, this makes them happy and markets your brand at the same time. Because everyone loves free gifts.
  • There are many more options, please visit  the following link to see more options (click here)


Removal Option 2:

Contact the support team of that particular review platform and seek removal options. If you can prove that the individual who left the review was never a customer, there is a great possibility that they will update your review.


Yelp, for example, does this automatically. If an individual leaves you a negative review but recently created that Yelp it will get buried. 9 times out of 10 it will be suppressed to the bottom of your profile and included under “not recommended reviews” section. These reviews DO NOT count towards your overall star rating.


How Does Guaranteed Removal Help Remove Online Reviews?


After years of working in the online reputation management industry, our team has simplified the process of managing reviews. Through various non-aggressive tactics, our team will reach out to your former clients (mostly through email) and request an update on a preexisting negative review.


In addition, we reach out to those who have not left a review and offer them those incentives listed above. (i.e. $10 Amazon gift cards, etc.)


Although this service is not for everyone. If we believe you were falsely accused of something and it is out of your control we will work to remove or edit the review. So you can focus on what’s really important. Running your business. Reviews are stressful enough, let the pros handle it for you.


Needless to say, as a business owner or vested employee you need to make it a top priority to routinely monitor your online reviews. Tools such as Google Alerts can easily assist throughout this process. Simply track the name of your business and the name of the owners. You will receive email updates and notifications anytime something new to published online referencing your business.


All solutions to either remove online reviews or generate positive feedback start at $500 a month. Depending on the desired amount of reviews, timeframe, and the number of locations the prices will vary.


Contact Guaranteed Removal today if you are serious about your online presence and growing your brand. There are no requirements for signing up. What are you waiting for? Click here to get started now.

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Our removal procedure is a simple and fast solution, get rid of jail mugshots, arrest information, and booking records before it harms your online reputation. Here is the simplest procedure.

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