How To Remove Negative Reviews Guaranteed Removal Solutions
Learn How to Remove Negative Reviews in 2020
Remove negative reviews online, is it possible? If you are a business owner, regardless of the type of business, people will tend to talk about you online. Most of that will be in the form of reviews. Reviews can be incredibly helpful, but they can also be very damaging to your business. Should someone leave a negative review, this could cost you a lot of business.
“Negative online reviews can put a ding in your business’s reputation.”
What that means is that you need to know not just how to remove negative reviews, yet also why this is so important.
Why You Should Remove Negative Reviews
A lot of business owners don’t realize why they should be bothered about the opinion of one online customer who, nine out of ten, will have used an alias to leave a review. The internet is a hostile place that is full of internet trolls, so business owners believe that nobody will take it seriously anyway.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, a study has shown that people believe online reviews as if they were left by a friend.
“79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations (up from 72% in 2012).”
The study also showed a number of other reasons why online reviews are so important, focusing on how many people read them, how much these will influence their purchasing decisions, and more.
What the results also showed was that the level at which people trust online reviews is much higher than what it was in 2012. Essentially, online reviews are your opportunity to make a first impression, and they say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Which Negative Reviews Should You Worry About?
All bad reviews need to be addressed. A good starting point is to run a Google search on your business name.
“Have you ever Googled yourself? If you’ve ever taken the time to check out your search results, you may have experienced the gamut of emotions.”
Doing this will give you the opportunity to see the reviews that are out there, and which negative ones stand out the most. Remember that if you can see the negative review, so can your customers and even potential customers.

The higher the rank of the review, the more likely it will be that it will be seen by others, and it is vital to remember that people will base their opinion on what they find. Hence, you need to make sure that what they find is something positive, not something negative.
Before you decide to take action, you need to take the time to actually read the reviews and find out what is going on. Perhaps people have a genuine complaint and are telling you something that you actually need to hear. Maybe they are discussing problems that you have resolved some time ago.
It is also possible that there is a concerted attack against you by a disgruntled employee or by the competition. Either way, it is time to start acting.
Remove Negative Reviews – Your 4 Step Approach
There are four steps to remove online reviews:
1. Find out whether there is something you can do to resolve the most common and genuine complaints. Do not allow people to become rude or abusive to you, but do resolve their actual issues.
2. Delete any fake reviews or any reviews that are libelous or defamatory, if that is possible. Be careful not to delete genuine complaints, however, as this could really anger the reviewers and they will only take their anger out elsewhere.
3. Respond to genuine reviews while being professional and courteous at all times.
4. Bury negative reviews by flooding the internet with positive messages about your business.
When you realize that the negative reviews are causing substantial damage to your reputation, call a reputation management company. These experts will help remove negative reviews and suppress articles that damage you or your company’s name to restore your reputation.
Ready to remove negative reviews online? Contact us today and enjoy a brighter future.
How to Remove Reviews from Facebook in 2021
Are you looking to learn how to remove reviews from Facebook? Well, you are in luck. If you’ve got a Facebook company Page (and if you don’t, you should), then you have probably already made good use from the testimonials attribute. Facebook reviews enable consumers to give you a 1-to-5-star rating, with or without an added explanation.
Today we’re going to show you why online reviews thing and the choices you’ve got for eliminating bad reviews on Facebook. After reading this article, you should get a better grip on how to manage your company’s image on Facebook.
Remove Facebook Review Section from Business Page
While removing Facebook reviews may look to be a good alternative for someone who’s received numerous negative reviews, remember that you also won’t have positive testimonials to show, either due to the methodology. In order to eliminate all negative testimonials, you need to remove the entire testimonials section from the Facebook Page. We do not advise doing so since having online reviews (good or bad) still raises your chances of landing clients. But we’ll teach you how you can remove the Reviews section from the FB company Page.
Remember that disabling your reviews doesn’t delete them, it only hides them. In case you choose to enable your reviews again, the same testimonials will come back up.
If you are like us, odds are you don’t want to eliminate ALL the testimonials from the Facebook Page. In the end, you likely have some really great reviews there! That means you might be asking yourself how to delete the poor or fake/spammy reviews. Well, as of right now, that is unfortunately not a choice on Facebook.
You can’t pick and choose which reviews you delete. While it’s frustrating, just think about how much it is helping honest companies like yours from being in precisely the exact same group as frauds who only publish positive reviews. In the long run, the bad guys will get weeded out, and you’re going to rise above in the event that you keep on making clients happy. A couple of bad reviews will not kill your street cred.
But you do have one choice: Reporting reviews. You can report a fishy review to Facebook so that they can investigate whether or not it should be removed.
How to Flag/Report a Facebook Review:
- Visit the review
- Click on the”…” in the upper right-hand corner
- Click”Report Post”
Impact Facebook Reviews Have on Businesses
Public opinion can have a big effect on your institution’s success. No matter which type of support or product you offer, if people discuss it, then others will listen. Obviously, that is bad for business if you are getting bad online reviews. As a business with a website, it is crucial that you garner online testimonials –folks want to have opinions on whether or not they need to provide you their cash, and reviews are often a big proponent from the decision-making process.
In fact, 90% of customers read 10 or fewer reviewers before trusting a business! And, to add to this, they invest about 31% more cash if a business has excellent reviews. (See more online review analytics here.)
When most companies would like to receive positive reviews 100% of their time, it’s simply not realistic. And, unfortunately, on average, one negative review may cost you, 30 clients. Ouch. So, how can you fix this situation if it occurs? Well, you can start by eliminating reviews on Facebook. Here are your options for handling and removing unwanted Facebook reviews.

How to Handle Facebook Reviews
As you can not just remove the bad ones and coverage testimonials may not be powerful for you, your best option for managing your company’s Facebook image would be to learn how to properly manage and answer Facebook reviews.
If a customer leaves a positive review, it’s recommended that you at least”just like” their inspection, and then possibly thank the bridesmaids. Doing so will promote them to continue speaking highly of you. If you are not sure how to word your responses, we’ve compiled useful positive review reply templates in addition to use hints.
Responding to negative testimonials not only gives you the opportunity to apologize but in some cases, you are also able to give your side of the story if appropriate. By handling your negative reviews with honesty and class, you are showing potential customers that you’re willing to take responsibility. Additionally, it reveals how good your customer service is. These negative review reply templates and tips can help you navigate horrible comments easily.
To utilize your positive reviews to your benefit, we suggest promoting them. Broadly has a special service that can help turn positive reviews into clickable Facebook advertisements, amplifying those stellar results you always promise. Let your best reviews outshine the few bad eggs.
Obviously, the best method to keep managing your online reputation would be to continually ask for testimonials from happy customers. Eventually, you will have so many great reviews, the bad ones won’t even matter!
Whether good or bad, getting Facebook Reviews is crucial if you would like to boost your client base. Just remember that, even though you can not eliminate the undesirable ones, you can still change the narrative with a well-thought-out response. And you may become even more favorable reviews with the support of Broadly.
3 Steps To Remove Complaints
Remove Complaints With the Reputation Professionals
3 Steps to remove complaints. Do you own a business? If so, it is likely that your company depends on great reviews and referrals. Or perhaps you are applying for a new position at work or a new job… a good outcome rests upon having very few negative complaints about you or your business. If and when you receive a complaint, therefore, that can be incredibly hurtful. And, unfortunately, it can also be so damaging to your overall reputation.
That single negative comment that you find among many positive reviews may seem unimportant. Nevertheless, it may be all that a prospective customer will need to see in order to shy away from your business. The impact of even one complaint can be tremendous, particularly if it is not managed properly.
So what are you supposed to do? You are likely to feel quite emotional but you need to keep your feelings in check. Do not go on the attack or on the defensive, no matter how much your instincts tell you that is exactly what you need to do. Rather, you need to know the three steps to remove complaints, so that your business may come out looking great. And do always remember not to take complaints personally. You can’t please everybody, after all. Learn more about Online Reputation Management
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Steps to Take:
1. Respond Publicly and Directly to the Complaint
The first thing you have to do is acknowledge that there is a complaint. You must directly speak to the customer in a way that others can see as well.
“Depending on the context, this may be the best way to proceed. If the complaint is sincere, apologize for their experience and explain how you plan to prevent that from happening in the future.”
At the same time, you have to be careful about this. You don’t want your acknowledgment to become a long-winded conversation, because that will push up the rankings of the complaint. This means that it will actually be easier for others to find it.
2. Be Thankful
Did you know that out of every 10 customers that have a complaint to make, only two will actually tell you about it? This means, first of all, that they still want to work with you on the issue. Secondly, it means that they have given you an opportunity to make the necessary changes. That is something to be thankful about and you should tell them that.
The old saying “kill them with kindness” could not be more true in a situation with a customer complaint. But rather than pretend to care, genuinely let them know you are thankful they are sharing their complaint or concern. This allows you the opportunity to resolve the issue and avoid a public complaint that requires a formal removal.
3. Learn from What Has Happened
The final thing you have to do, is make sure to learn from the experience. As previously stated, it is impossible to make everybody happy. But you can listen to what your customer is saying, and use that to avoid similar problems in the future. You can also learn from this situation in terms of how to handle complaints. Life is a learning journey after all.
“Maintain a manner of tracking customer complaints and the resolution thereof such that, over time, trends or specific issues may be identified to the point that if you see one or more specific situations occurring with any frequency systems can be amended or put into place to address the same in the future before they become future complaints.”
What you should not do is actually delete the complaint itself, unless it is particularly slanderous or defamatory. Remove complaints and typically that person will simply take it elsewhere and feel even angrier about the situation. A better approach is to turn the complaint into a compliment. And if you feel that the complaint is causing substantial damage, it is time to consult an expert by contacting a reputation management company. They will know how to make the complaint much less accessible online, if not inaccessible.
Are you ready to remove a complaint? Contact us today and improve your online presence.
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Fighting Bad Yelp Reviews in 2021 (We Can Help)
5 Steps to Dealing with Bad Yelp Reviews
Featuring your company on Yelp, along with other online review sites is an essential part of the online advertising process. However, every time a negative review begins to spoil your small business, what can you do? What steps can you take when dealing with bad reviews on Yelp leading into 2020.
You’ve established your small company and proudly begun to promote it on the internet. You have established a website and you have started to construct your profile on lots of different online platforms such as Yelp! The internet’s most notorious review website, and a few months later, out of nowhere, a horrible review. How is this possible?!
As a business owner, it is normal to want to protect your business at all costs. However, what happens when you do not control the content? How can you fight to remove a bad review on Yelp yourself? Is it even possible?
In short, removing content (especially reviews) online is no easy feat. Most of these review platforms have detailed disclaimers most business owners skip past while setting up their profile. One of these is that Yelp has full discretion of what reviews prompt for your business.
Suffering from a bad review on Yelp is like suffering from the plague as any business owner should know. Negative reviews (warranted or not) create an immense backlash on the effected parties’ professional and personal life. More often than not, removing a Yelp review is an impossible task as the platform has strict removal guidelines. Heavily favored the consumers of course. Therefore, you must learn how to cope with that negative review.
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1. Denial
“This review does not mean anything. They do not understand what they are discussing. Nobody will see it”
Thinking that a bad Yelp review is no big deal is an understatement to say that least. 9 out of 10 consumers tend to browse online reviews before making a purchase online. If you are a local business or boutique a 1-star review could end up costing you 9% in revenue compared to having a positive rating. The first phase is always to hardest, however, if you keep the end in mind you can see past this short-term obstacle knowing you can earn more positive reviews in the near future to make up for it.
2. Anger
“They do not understand what they are referring to? They are out to undermine me and my organization.”
As a business owner, you must come to understand that not everybody is going to love you or your business. That is just the simple fact of the matter. You cannot please everyone. But you can make the most of those happy potential customers. So always remember to remain optimistic as you grow. Take the negative comments and reviews to heart but turn them into constructive criticism. These can be things you can learn to improve on in the future. Think of your angry customers as your fuel or motivation, as long as you are being productive towards the business.
3. Bargaining
“Perhaps if I contact Yelp! And clarify the situation they will get rid of the negative feedback for me?!”
At the end of the day, Yelp does not care about what happened. If you can disprove the review and show Yelp it is fraudulent they may review the case. However 9/10 times, they will tell you to contact the customer to make amends. Meaning you must get that individual to update/edit the review themselves.

4. Depression
“My company is over! Nobody could ever purchase anything from me. I need to just pack up and move to some other state.”
Yes, negative reviews are costing your business revenue at the end of the day. However, know that this obstacle is temporary and not permanent. If you consistently work towards generating positive reviews with your new customers and clientele you can balance out the negative review. Giving up is never the answer, just because a single individual didn’t like your goods/services it no reason to throw it the towel. Think about how many happy customers you served. Remember they always say, people will always leave a negative review but rarely a nice one.
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5. Acceptance
“People will always hate on successfully people – I am bound to find a mixture of positive and negative reviews.”
Acceptance is a hazardous spot to find yourself once you cycle through the five phases. The truth is, poor reviews can certainly affect your small business, particularly among 30-45-year-olds. Millennials and Gen Xers, the emerging set of maturing customers with raising earnings, rely heavily on internet reviews prior to making buying decisions based on recent market study. A proactive response to negative testimonials is the secret to turning negative testimonials into a great thing for your company. This is the best thing you can do for your business.
“A Good Thing” – That’s a Joke Right?
No, we are not joking. In traditional marketing, companies spent plenty of effort and money attempting to accumulate honest opinions on their products and services. This way they can operate to optimize their business to be better and more powerful. Now, the web offers feedback for us at no cost. It is public, but nevertheless the advice useful.
Turn Lemons into Lemonade
1. Inspect the Validity of the Review
This is an arduous measure particularly in the event that you’ve got a great deal of pride in your small business. Which the majority of us do. Just take a deep breath and step out of yourself for an instant and calmly analyze the review for the positive and negative points.
2. Conduct an Internal Business Audit
Typically, if you are experiencing several bad reviews on the internet, you have got a problem with one of those three P’s that has to be fixed.
3 P’s of Marketing
- Price
- Placement
- Promotion
That is when you’re able to use these online reviews as a chance to boost your small business. Obtaining bad reviews about your service or product? Maybe your product/service is faulty – if so, take time to return to the drawing board and create serious basic alterations. Are your rates are too large? See if there are any similarities amongst the negative reviews.
Consumers seldom complain about reduced rates. Perhaps you miscalculated your cost positioning dependent on the competition. Complaints about merchandise delivery or customer services? Your merchandise placement/distribution desires a tune-up. Time to look at your general distribution version and execute new training.
3. Responding to Bad Yelp Reviews
Do not let your poor testimonials burn a hole into your online reputation. Websites such as Yelp as well as consumer testimonials on places such as are there to provide transparency to the customer. Show your customers that you saw their feedback by responding publicly in a calm and respectful way. Address the matter and how you want to solve it. Always take the conversation offline if possible.
The majority of people will be impressed with your willingness to socialize and discover a solution. By responding you are not only showing the disgruntled customer that you genuinely care about pleasing them, but you always show your potential audience that you are a good person.
Online reviews are part of the new age in advertising. Make the most of the additional vulnerability and enjoy the outcomes.
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What is a Reputation Gap Analysis
The benefits of working with our team are that we have the ability to always remove negative and defamatory content. We stand out from our competitors because we always perform a gap analysis whenever we take on a new project.
In regards to the reputation management industry, a gap analysis is what allows us to access potential threats and opportunities.
We’re going to give you an inside look into how our gap analysis works and why we perform one.
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The Gap Analysis Let’s Us Know If We Can Help You
A gap analysis takes place during the research part of our process. We use it to compare your results with the results of companies or individuals that are similar to you or your company.
The idea is to investigate websites with offending content and compare their entries to our list of strong domains that can be used to suppress problematic content.
Why We Perform a Gap Analysis
The gap analysis is so important because it influences the entire strategy from start to finish. Basically, it allows us to develop a concrete plan to get you the results you deserve.
For example, once we have the results of the gap analysis, we are able to create a list of controllable web properties that will allow us to display you in a positive light. This newly created content will then bring in organic traffic for your business, provide positive social mentions of your business, and most importantly get you inbound links.

The Art of Content Suppression
Only by performing a gap analysis is it possible to know how to suppress a piece of content. The entire concept of online reputation management is to have a piece of content suppressed so it no longer appears on the first page of Google for a specific search term.
When defamatory content doesn’t make the first page of Google it’s practically invisible since the average visitor doesn’t go past the first five listings. Therefore, it won’t have a significant impact on your online reputation any longer.
Why Not Ask the Website to Remove a Piece of Content?
he first thing our reputation management team will try is to contact the website to have the negative content removed. However, the websites aren’t required to remove negative content in most cases.
It is true that you could attempt to take legal action. However, this is expensive and time-consuming. Plus, there’s a good chance that it won’t result in removal so content suppression is a guaranteed option to fix your online reputation.
That’s why a gap analysis becomes so important.

Last Word – A Gap Analysis is the Start to Getting Your Reputation Back on Track
A gap analysis requires a team of reputation management experts to gather and interpret the results. This is why we recommend that you contact us for your free consultation today to see if we can help you get your reputation back on track.
You’ll get better results and have a guarantee that defamatory content will be removed from the public eye.
Do you need help protecting your online reputation?
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How to Address Negative Reviews in 2021
The way you handle those negative business reviews will define the course of your company’s future, whether online or offline.
To underline the importance of confronting negative reviews in the right way, keep in mind that 84% of people consider reviews to be as important as recommendations from friends.
By addressing negative reviews, you can prevent the beginning of a negative reputation and you can even turn an unhappy customer into a loyal customer.
Don’t Ignore Negative Reviews (They Won’t Go Away on Their Own)
Ignoring a negative review you’ve received from a specific person comes with two types of negative consequences.
The first problem is that you’re not giving yourself the opportunity to correct the situation. This is like leaving money on the table.
The second problem you have is that bystanders will look at you as a business that doesn’t care. You’re not communicating with your customers. It leaves an impression, even if it’s on a social media platform where nobody comments on reviews.
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Apologize Even if it’s Unwarranted
Negative reviews can be unfounded. But it doesn’t matter if the customer is wrong because remember that the customer is always right. You’re always at fault and you must accept that the customer didn’t get the experience they wanted.
Always start out by apologizing as soon as you can. Be specific about what you’re sorry about even if you think the person is a troublemaker.
Ask for More Information
Don’t just apologize to the person who had a negative experience. Ask for further details and request that they provide a suggestion as to how you can increase your level of service going forward.
Continuing the dialogue takes the emotion out of the equation. Many negative comments are left in a moment of anger. Sending them a message back signals a civil conversation where you can really make a difference.
The sort of information you get back from that person could be all you need to revolutionize your business. So many companies simply don’t make changes because they’re unaware of what their problems are.
Give Something Back
It may kill you to want to reward someone who’s tried to smear your good reputation\, but this is how you win loyal customers going forward.
Offer them something to win back their trust. It could be a replacement product, or it could be a major discount on their next purchase. If it’s relevant to the problem, few people are going to want to pass up an offer like that.
Last Word – Will it Always Work?
The best-case scenario is that the customer gives you another chance and you turn them into a customer. But in a lot of cases, it’s not going to happen this way. The point is that you tried.
Those extra minutes spent reaching out to negative reviewers are worth it, even if you only convert less than 10% of the number. Keep mind when responding publicly to negative reviews other potentials customers will see how far you were willing to go to accommodate someone who didn’t have the experience they expected. It will say a lot about your company.
Don’t leave money on the table. Win those customers back. Are you having problems with negative comments from past customers? Are you ready to remove online reviews together.
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36 Hotel Industry Statistics in 2019
Here are the hotel industry statistics you need to know in the year ahead.
To persevere in the aggressive hospitality industry, hotel owners and management require a powerful reputation that draws in a steady flow of new clientele. One of the greatest methods to achieve this is to handle your business’ online consumer reviews.
The subsequent hotel industry statistics reveal how online reviews and search results can further assist to improve your hotel in 3 primary methods.
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Getting Potential Guests to Notice You
According to these 5 hotel industry statistics, most individuals plan out their vacation or travel arrangements online. Therefore a large portion of their research when booking entails reading a lot of online reviews.
Consequently, if your hotel has an inadequate online reputation, with little to no reviews, potential tenants may overlook you and decide to select another hotel with more positive reviews.
Some techniques to get more reviews to involve claiming your profile on review platforms, habitually asking for more consumer reviews, as well as making it as simple as possible for your tenants to post reviews.
- Nearly 70% of Americans begin preparing a trip by doing an online search.
- 81% of people often or perpetually read online reviews prior to booking a hotel.
- 52% of people would rarely book a hotel that has zero reviews.
- 96% of tourists believe reviews are an essential part of examining a hotel.
- 79% of people will look through 6 and 12 reviews before booking their stay

Hotel Industry Statistics: Gaining Consumers’ Trust
These statistics show that reviews are an influential form of social proof.
People feel they can believe you if you accumulate high star ratings and provide polite answers to previous tenant reviews. Doing so shows that you care about providing your customers with the best possible experience during their stay.
This also highlights your hotel’s openness and originality.
- When choosing between 2 comparable properties, 79% of consumers are more likely to book a hotel room with a higher star rating.
- Customers will appreciate guest ratings over a hotel’s brand 72% of the time.
- 88% of tourists won’t even contemplate hotels with a star rating of fewer than three stars.
- 32% of likely guests eliminated they thought of particular hotels with a star rating of fewer than four stars.
- 80% of people believe hotels that reply to tenant reviews worry more about their customers.
- 85% of individuals say a hotel’s friendly answer to an online review enhances their impression of it.
- Consumers who answer online reviews earn 12% more reviews and see an average increase of 0.12 stars.
Helping You Earn More From Each Booking
This collection of statistics exposes the connection between your reputation and your bottom line. Unsurprisingly, customers are prepared to spend more for a better quality hotel trip, and the price they are willing to pay undeviatingly resembles the level of star rating that a particular hotel has.
Additionally, you should make sure future tenants and guests can see a plethora of positive online reviews. One way to do this is to attach a URL link to consumer feedback on your website.
You can additionally distribute powerful customer feedback on your social media profiles. So, when other individuals search for your hotel’s name, they can quickly locate lots of actual word-of-mouth recommendations regarding your property.
- Guests will pay 24% higher fees for a hotel with a 3.9 star-rating over another that’s rated less.
- Guests will pay 35% more for a hotel with a 4.4 star-rating over another hotel with only a 3.9 rating.
- When a hotel increases its online rating from “fair” to “great,” they can potentially see their website CTR (click-through rates) increase up to 4%.
- If a mid-scale hotel increases its reputation score by 1%, the profits available per room can increase to roughly 1.42%.
- Hotels have the ability to upcharge each room by 11% (standard fee) for every additional 1 star added to their overall star-rating.
- 76% of hotel guests are ready to spend higher fees at a hotel with better online review scores.
- In recent years, TripAdvisor’s online reviews and reputation score controlled approximately $546 billion in travel spending.
- Over 90% of tourism and accommodation business owners think online reviews are amongst the three most significant determinants influencing the future of their business.
Miscellaneous Hotel Industry Statistics
- 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business.
- 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews before making purchases
- Online reviews have been shown to impact 67.7% of purchasing decisions.
- 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation
- 74% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more.
- Every one-star increase in a Yelp rating means a 5 to 9% increase in revenue.
- 82% of Yelp users said they typically visit Yelp because they intend to buy a product or service.
- 80% of consumers will change their mind about making a purchase due to negative information online.
- 85% of tech buyers read up to 10 online reviews before making a purchase.
- B2B buyers complete 57% of the purchase process before ever engaging with a vendor
- 93% of consumers find user-generated content helpful when making purchase decisions.
The Power Of Search Results
- 91% of online adults use search engines to find information on the web.
- 65 percent of people see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies. That’s a higher level of trust than any other online or offline source.
- Nearly 50% of US adults who Google themselves say the results aren’t positive.
Impact On Business Revenue
- Businesses risk losing 22% of business when potential customers find one negative article on the first page of their search results.
- Businesses with two negatives on the first page of search results risk losing 44% of its customers.
- If three negative articles pop up in a search query, the potential for lost customers increases to 59.2%.
- Have four or more negative articles about your company or product appearing in Google search results? You’re likely to lose 70% of potential customers.
- Nearly half of U.S. adults said they have Googled someone before doing business with them.
- 45% said they have found something in an online search that made them decide not to do business with the person.
- 56% have found something that solidified their decision to do business with the person.
Additional Information
If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you in cleaning up your search results and restoring your online reputation, please fulfill the contact form below. One of our knowledgeable reputation specialists will present your options and explain every step along the way.
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Remove Ripoff Report from Google
How do you remove Ripoff Report from Google? Our blog team investigates…
Does your business know-how to remove Ripoff Report from Google search results? This infamous website has been known to ruin the reputation of both businesses and individuals.
Is a bad comment on Ripoff Report hurting your reputation? Contact us about customized Ripoff Report Removal solutions today.
In recent years as online reputation management begins to grow more each day online users are finding new forums such as these to defame and slander the names of others. Most of the time for no other reason but to cause emotional distress.
Seeing a Ripoff Report on Google as a consumer is one of the highest deterrents there is. Why? Because 90% of Google users never venture past the first page. If all they see is a negative review slamming your business for poor services or bad products that consumer is going to move on to one of your competitors.
There are a few routes you can take when working to either suppress or utilize a ripoff report removal service.
Here are the best 7 ways to effectively get rid of Ripoff Report articles from the first several pages of Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Here at GuaranteedRemoval, ripoff report removal service solutions are a popular selection amongst our clientele. Regardless if you can provide a court order to discredit the web page on rip off reports we will work to delete these posts on your behalf.
If you are interested in learning more please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you within 48-hours or less.
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Who is Ripoff Report & Why Does It Exist?
Infamously known throughout the business owner community, is a privately-owned forum based website such as Reddit where consumers can go on (anonymously) and post negative reviews.
The owner of Ripoff Report, Ed Magedson is no stranger to negative feedback as he is the owner of this website. How does he get away with this?

Unfortunately, consumer-based forums such as Ripoff Report are protected under what is known as the Communications Decency Act (CDA). As known as the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Although most people consider the CDA to be unconstitutional. The CDA was created to protect individuals (most importantly children) from seeing vulgar or sexual pieces of content on the internet. Example A,
As previously stated Ripoff Report allows people to post anonymous articles or negative reviews. Get this, they require no proof or facts in order to submit your “claim”. This essentially means that anyone and their mother could run to Ripoff Report post 10 articles and potentially run a small business into the ground.
Magedson claims that his website operates the same way Amazon and Facebook do. While that is true the verbiage used within each post would never pass Facebook’s guidelines.
They do “request” for an honest post but no nothing to ensure this is done. There is zero fact-checking done. In 2019 we are starting to see competitors playing the dirty game of slandering their competition just to get ahead.
Before we dive into the best 7 ways to remove Ripoff Report from Google search results let’s cover the legality of this. When does an honest negative review turn into defamation? And what can you do to protect yourself if this happens to you?
Can Ripoff Report Legally Allow These Posts?
The answer is yes, although there should be preventive measures for some of the reviews and articles that are posted on that website. As a whole is not legal doing anything wrong.
As immoral as it may seem, consumers have the right to freedom of speech and Ripoff Report is simply an outlet they use to get their point across because they know the businesses will find out about it eventually.

It was a long time to wait before us here at was able to successfully remove these Ripoff Report articles from Google. In the past, you would have to hire an expensive attorney. Not anymore, lawyers are virtually useless when it comes to Ripoff Report.
At the end of the day, lawyers have no more leverage than you as an individual. Seeing as is not breaking any laws there is no need to waste money on an attorney to fight this for you.
Being protected by the CDA protected this website as third-party users are posting the content and not Magedson himself. There are also no editing privileges given once the article is posted so once that individual presses submit there is no turning back.
In the past Magedson refused to edit, update or remove articles. However, in 2019 the game is changing as he has allows several online reputation management agencies the opportunity to pay for removals directly. Although it isn’t ideal to pay off a website owner for removal, it is a start and the best option you’ll have.
Contact us today to get started on removing your Ripoff Report article. It could be down this time next week! Don’t worry we offer a 100% guarantee and money-back if we cannot remove it. We currently have a 100% success rate.
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Steps on How to Remove Ripoff Report from Google Search Results (Top 7 Ways)
Now it’s time to dive into how you can work to remove ripoff reports from Google search results. Depending on the method you pick (all have shown success) the timeframes may differ.
If you choosing to work with us, the typical removal timeframe is 24-48 hours or you can work to push or suppress the article of the first page of Google. This is done by publishing tons of fresh content online. Which can take up to a few years depending on your pre-existing results?
Choose to Submit a Rebuttal
After discovering a new article in reference to yourself or your business on Ripoff Report where do you start?
For starters, there is a button within each article that allows the business to submit a rebuttal. This gives the business owner or employee a chance to resolve the situation online before it escalates. There are positives and negatives to doing this.
One benefit of submitting a rebuttal shows other potential consumers that you care about resolving issues with customers who had a poor experience. Depending on the way you respond to negative reviews online can make or break your business.
If you respond in the right manner you may have a chance of the reviewer deleting the post themselves, if they cannot do so sometimes having them “accept” your apology within the comment section can do the trick.
However, the readers must be willing to scroll through the entire page before they see this.
Disadvantages tend to outweigh the positive for this suggestion. We recommend only respond directly on is it is your only recourse and you have exhausted all of the options below. One of the biggest repercussions we have seen is that consumers tend to get more aggressive if they feel attacked by your response.
Remember to always remain polite, only state facts and take responsibility for their experience.
At the end of the day, there is nothing you can do to change the mind of certain individuals.
By staying positive and showing that you care and the impact of your Ripoff Report could be less damaging.
Although submitting a rebuttal does not mean anything is removed, it gives you a chance to voice your side of the story.
Incentivize the Disgruntled Customer/Individual
There are various ways you can work to persuade that individual to remove their review or even comment below of how the issue was resolved.
Some of the best ways to incentivize pissed consumers are to offer them a refund, gift cards, free merchandise or services is a form of apology for the poor experience they had.
Remember that just one negative review has the potential to cause a 20% drop in revenue for a company if they rely heavily on online sales or connections.
That is why it is imperative that as a business owner you do everything in your power to eliminate negative reviews or posts from the internet.
Try contacting the consumer first by email and if you receive no response you could always give them a call if that seems appropriate or mail them a tangible letter to their home with a pamphlet of resolution options. This could be gift cards to local restaurants or events they would find worth it.

Publish & Promote Fresh Content
When it comes to free methods of altering Google search results you can always turn to self-promotion. Create websites and social media profiles to suppress this article off the first page FOR FREE. Refrain from posting inappropriate content, however, that should go without saying.
Although this process does take the longest, you are building up a great foundation for the name of your business as well as your personal brand.
The best option to start with would be to create a website with the domain name matching the focus keyword in the Ripoff Report. This could be your name or the name of your business however you want to make sure you purchase this website.
We call this an exact-match domain and works wonder in the world of search engine optimization (SEO).
Start by posting 30 blog articles about anything you like. Make sure to mention your name in the article a bunch of times. But remember to keep the text to keyword ratio under 3% of Google may penalize you for “keyword stuffing”. Another name for trying to game the system.
Here is the best way to layout your 30 blogs to ensure you maximize your visibility and chances of actually driving minimal traffic to it.
Keep the subject matter across all articles similar to building a niche blog website to increase its performance. (i.e. personal growth, coaching football, making money, or focus on promoting your business’ services)
– Response Posts (1500+ words on questions not easily found online)
– Staple Posts (2500+ words on very broad popular subjects)
– Pillar Posts (3500+ words on anything you are interested in)
Not only could this suppress your Ripoff Report from Google search results but you could make some passive income along the way.
Utilize Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Program
Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Program permits you to petition to analyze the claims created against your business for a hefty fee.
Whether or not they notice any proof of online defamation or alternative wrongdoing, the criticism won’t truly be removed. Instead, the results of the investigation are announced on top of the violative report.
Additionally, Ripoff Report could insinuate your wrongdoing by spoken communication that you’ve worked to resolve the difficulty.
Ripoff Report additionally includes a “VIP Arbitration Program” that offers you the chance to prove that the accusations are false.
However, you’ll initially have to fork over a minimum of $2,000 to the web site that announced denigratory info concerning you. This will be more cost-effective than joining the Corporate Advocacy Program. But, you’ll still need to present physical evidence that the article includes misleading allegations.
If the intermediator sides with you, Ripoff Report could redact the falsehoods created within the negative report.

Sue the Individual
This option is doubtful for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s nearly impracticable to trace down the original creator. Even if do you must to be outfitted with solid evidence that confirms the condition of their statement(s) and therefore the tremendous threat it poses to your business.
Of course, if the complaint against you is valid, this won’t be a viable choice for you.
If you manage to win your argument, you may inadvertently produce additional negative online content within your legal proceeding. It’s conjointly unlikely that the author is ready to pay you any quantity of financial compensation.
The best outcome you’ll hope for during this state of affairs is that Google can take away your negative review from its search results. This is a popular option that most of our clients seek. If you can make appropriate claims to Google that the article of RipoffReport is false. Google does not pick and chose what results appear on the SERPs (search engine results page). However, they do have the ability to blacklist specific URLs from appearing.
This means your article will still remain on but it will never show on Google.
Since Ripoff Report is not legally doing anything wrong, you should refrain from hiring an attorney. A lawyer cannot guarantee any chances of successful removal.
If you have never heard of Microworkers you have probably been living under a rock. This is similar to sites such as Fiverr or Upwork. Microworkers gives you the opportunity to hire workers from all over the world. These workers will do small tasks for you when needed.
This may include sharing your content online, generating social proof (likes and comments).
If done from enough locations around the world within a short period of time this may tip of Google. This will expedite the process of them “checking” up on that article to see if it violates any guidelines.
The cost of hiring Microworkers is next to nothing. You could spend $50 and have several hundred workers reporting that URL on Google.
Hire Professionals
At the end of the day, you could go with the best option that works for you. After successfully removing hundreds of Ripoff Report articles in the past few months alone we can assure you that working with is not a waste.
Not only do we guarantee all of our work but each client has a designated project manager. In addition, they can call at all hours of the day to answer their questions or concerns.
On average, the cost of a RipoffReport removal could be as much as $5,000 – $7,500. This removes your article within 48-hours from the website. Afterward, it may take a few days to weeks for Google to update their search results accordingly.
Complete the form below to get started on learning more about our Ripoff Removal solution. Just stop and think, is $5,000 too much to regain the reputation of your brand online? The ROI on a Ripoff Report removal (although disheartening, to begin with) is incalculable.
Let’s get started, by this time next week your Ripoff Report will be no more.
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Remove Online Reviews, Made Easier with Online Reputation
What is the secret on how to remove online reviews? Negative consumer feedback and reviews are the leading deterrents for prospective customers and clientele.
90% of consumers utilize online reviews before making any purchasing decisions.
So how do you maintain a positive image for your company despite what a few people said about you online?
For starters, you present the facts and admit fault and responsibility for any wrongdoings. In this article, we will break down the most effective ways to remove online reviews when possible.
In 2019, the internet is home to various tools to assist you and further protect your company’s brand from being slandered online. Unfortunately, consumers are more likely to leave a negative review over a positive one, why is this? What can you do to combat this negativity and protect your online reputation?
Let us walk you through the best steps you can start to implement today so you will be ready to deal with any brand crises that come your way. But first, let’s cover why you would need to remove online reviews in the first place.
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Why Should You Remove Online Reviews?
In this digital era as you may already know, consumers turn to the internet for everything. What should they eat for dinner? Where should they go on vacation? What is the best restaurant in town? This is why it is so crucial to maintaining positive reviews, they are your initial “selling points” and decider of whether your brand is trustworthy or not.
For most business owners it can be difficult to generate reviews online for your business. Not to mention positive reviews. Consumers love to smear the reputation of businesses where they felt the service they received was inadequate or subpar.
Removing online reviews can be extremely beneficial. When a negative review is posted, as a business owner, you must know the best course of action to decrease any negative impacts.
To remove online reviews on sites such as Yelp, BBB, and Google there are specific guidelines reviewers must pass in order for their comments to “stick”. This prevents a random individual from posting nasty reviews for no reason.

Can You Remove Bad Online Reviews?
In short, yes and no. There are many ways to have a review removed but they must adhere to the policy guidelines of that particular review platform (Yelp, BBB, Google, etc).
For example, you cannot remove online reviews just because you do not like them. About two years ago there was no possible way to remove negative (or misleading positive) reviews on the internet. You simply had to deal with it and roll with the punches.
In order to remove online reviews, you must be able to prove that the person who left the review was either lying, never a customer, or in some cases, they are a competitor looking to defame your brand. This helps filter out reviews such as “I called them and they were rude” or “their location was messy so I left without buying anything”. In order for a review to remain online, it must come from a customer and contain honest feedback.
Over recent years review sites have caught onto this theory and updated the way they operate in order to assist businesses through these tough and stressful times.
So generally speaking, you can remove online reviews IF you meet the criteria. Although it can be rare for these sites to comply right away, it is possible.
If you are currently struggling with negative reviews and cannot figure out the best way to handle it please contact us for assistance, 786-363-8509.
We recommend visiting each review platform and thoroughly reading their privacy policy as well as their terms and conditions pages. When creating new profiles on additional platforms or business listing read these pages before building the profile.
Here are the top 5 review platform we recommend:
- Google My Business
- Yelp
- Amazon (for products)
- TrustPilot
- G2Crowd
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Best Ways to Remove Online Reviews (if applicable)
As you work to combat negative reviews online it is important to remember that you are a business and others will see your rebuttals and answers to preexisting negative comments.
Since you are working to protect your reputation remain positive, calm, and always take responsibility even when you know you are right. This will resonate with prospective customers who are considering buying from you, creating instant trust.

Removal Option 1:
Contact the individual who left the review and incentivize them to update or remove it. Many businesses will offer gift cards, money-back, or even free products if that means restoring their reviews to its former glory.
Here is a shortlist of the best consumer incentives to curate positive reviews online:
- Price Reductions: rebates, coupons, discounts, B.O.G.O. deals, etc.
- Loyalty Plus Programs: Store credit, as this encourages repeat business
- Promotional Items: Offer free merchandise, this makes them happy and markets your brand at the same time. Because everyone loves free gifts.
- There are many more options, please visit the following link to see more options (click here)
Removal Option 2:
Contact the support team of that particular review platform and seek removal options. If you can prove that the individual who left the review was never a customer, there is a great possibility that they will update your review.
Yelp, for example, does this automatically. If an individual leaves you a negative review but recently created that Yelp it will get buried. 9 times out of 10 it will be suppressed to the bottom of your profile and included under “not recommended reviews” section. These reviews DO NOT count towards your overall star rating.
How Does Guaranteed Removal Help Remove Online Reviews?
After years of working in the online reputation management industry, our team has simplified the process of managing reviews. Through various non-aggressive tactics, our team will reach out to your former clients (mostly through email) and request an update on a preexisting negative review.
In addition, we reach out to those who have not left a review and offer them those incentives listed above. (i.e. $10 Amazon gift cards, etc.)
Although this service is not for everyone. If we believe you were falsely accused of something and it is out of your control we will work to remove or edit the review. So you can focus on what’s really important. Running your business. Reviews are stressful enough, let the pros handle it for you.
Needless to say, as a business owner or vested employee you need to make it a top priority to routinely monitor your online reviews. Tools such as Google Alerts can easily assist throughout this process. Simply track the name of your business and the name of the owners. You will receive email updates and notifications anytime something new to published online referencing your business.
All solutions to either remove online reviews or generate positive feedback start at $500 a month. Depending on the desired amount of reviews, timeframe, and the number of locations the prices will vary.
Contact Guaranteed Removal today if you are serious about your online presence and growing your brand. There are no requirements for signing up. What are you waiting for? Click here to get started now.
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