How to Get a Clean Background Report With Guaranteed Removal
A clean background matters. Your background is a personal matter. However, some of it may be found in the public domain, and not all of that is good. For instance, arrest records are a matter of public knowledge and anybody is able to look those up. An arrest record will show your personal details when you were arrested, and on what charge. It will also show your mugshot. What an arrest record doesn’t show, however, is what the outcome of the case was.
For instance, you may have been the victim of identity theft, or perhaps you were later acquitted. Either way, that is not the conclusion people will draw when they see your mugshots online, and this can be very damaging to your reputation, your career prospects, and many other areas of your life. Let’s take a look at 4 reasons to properly clean your background.
1. You May Be Subjected to a Professional Background Check
There are many jobs in which passing a background check is a requirement. For instance, if you want to work with children or vulnerable adults, they will likely conduct a background check on you. Other employers will ask you to agree to a background check. And while you do have rights in terms of the decisions made based on that check, you will generally have to comply.
Employers check your background before hiring you, or before deciding whether you can keep your job. When they do, you have legal rights. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces a federal law that regulates background reports for employment, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws against employment discrimination.
2. Many Schools Require a Clean Background
If you are hoping to go to college or university, it is likely that the admissions department will conduct a background check on you, particularly if you want to study towards a social science or financial degree. In fact, over 50% of colleges now do this.
“A full 66 percent of colleges and universities conduct background checks as part of the admissions process, according to a December report titled, “Removing Barriers to Opportunity for Parents With Criminal Records and Their Children,” released by the Center for American Progress.”
3. You Love Interest Might Want to Know More About You
If you have a new romantic interest, then it is possible that he or she will perform a background check on you. In fact, you can (and maybe should) conduct one on that person as well. There are numerous laws in place that allow this, designed to protect people from the possibility of sexual abuse or domestic violence.
“Checking another person’s background greatly enhanced by the existence of the Internet. Most court districts around the country now have public court records online, searchable at no charge.”
4. It Defines Who You Are
Your background goes above and beyond your criminal and arrest history. People who have an interest in you, whether professional, social, or educational, will look you up through social media sites. What they find there will influence their opinion about you as well. This is why, for instance, it is so important to not unwittingly embarrass yourself in front of others.
You probably know not to post things online that could bite you later, but many of us do it all the time anyway – often without even realizing it. Whether it’s a friend tagging you in a photo or admitting you torrent your movies in a Facebook status, even innocuous posts or photos can damage your relationships or land you into legal trouble.
Make sure you regularly search Google for your own name so that you know what others find when they look you up. That will allow you to focus on exactly what you need to do to clean up your background.
Are you ready for a clean background? Contact us today and speak with one of our experts.
Can You Repair Your Past? | Reputation Management 2021
Can you repair your past with reputation management? This article explains the exact steps necessary to clean up your background with a reputation management team. We all make mistakes in our lives, and, sometimes, people will use those mistakes against you. You can’t undo past behaviors but you can make sure that you no longer become the object of gossip. In this article, we present a number of strategic actions that you could take to achieve this.
There are five major steps to repairing your past to manage your reputation. One of the first questions to ask yourself is whether your past needs repairing. The truth is each of us may need some form of reputation management during the course of our lives.
How to Repair Your Past with Reputation Management
1. Ignore What People Say
First, you have to stop listening. If you regularly remind yourself of the bad things you did, it is bound to affect you. Hence, learn how to stop taking it personally.
“A person is not affected emotionally by what happens around them, but by their interpretation of what happened. In turn, our interpretations are formed by our beliefs.”
2. Decide On Your Desired Image
Next, you have to decide how you want people to view you instead. Forget about the things that happened in the past and think about the future. It takes a long time to build a reputation, but it would take even longer if you don’t know what you want that reputation to be!
“Know what your brand stands for, and know what your brand promises. Your brand promise should be precise and attainable, and you should be able to communicate it clearly.”
3. Bring in the Professionals
You may also want to work with a professional reputation management company to help improve your reputation. We know how to develop strategies and action that improve your reputation. We also know how to remove negative comments or suppress your past so that it will no longer haunt you. Mainly, we are on your side and we understand what you are going through. A professional reputation management service such as ours offers a number of important benefits.
4. Be Honest
When people attack your reputation, you can turn things around by owning the narrative and controlling it. Repairing your past becomes second nature. Those who attack you hope that they can point out your flaws. If, however, you immediately accept that you have made mistakes, and point out how you have improved since then, you take the power away from them.
5. Make the Necessary Changes
If you truly are honest about the mistakes that you have made, then you should also be able to see how and where you can improve. Hence, you must put actions in place to make those improvements. For instance, if you delivered poor customer service, you could invest in your employees to improve this. If you have a reputation for overcharging, you could offer a price guarantee. People are very forgiving, particularly if you demonstrate that you have learned from your mistakes.
As long as you have an open mind, you can learn from every experience you have, whether it’s good or bad.
What’s Next?
Repairing your past with reputation management is a complex thing. On the one hand, reputation is your most valuable asset. On the other hand, it is also something you have no control over. No matter how hard you try to do things right, there will always be skeletons in your closet waiting to come out, there are always mistakes to be made, and there are always people just waiting for things to go wrong.
Therefore, the best you can do is to give them as little opportunity for that as possible and, mainly, to consider every experience as a learning experience and turn it into a positive.
Within the next three business days or 72 hours, a reputable removal service can have your negative information removed or dramatically suppressed. If you’re ready to repair your past or have additional questions, contact us today.
How To Suppress Bad Comments Online?
Suppress bad comments online is a top priority for people concerned with their online reputation. The online world is completely public. Whenever someone makes a bad comment online about you or your service or product, the entire world can see it.
Unfortunately, people tend to make a judgment about you based on a number of different things, including:
● How long it took you to respond to a negative comment
● Your response.
● How the customer felt about your response
● The resolution of the complaint
The internet is all about speed. When someone makes a bad comment, it can go viral and around the world in the blink of an eye.
People are also online 24/7, which means they can access information at any time during the day.
Hence, if you care about your online reputation, you need to have your finger on the pulse at all times.
Suppress Bad Comments Online – Your Quick How-To Guide
There are a number of things that you can – and should – do if online comments attack you. As explained above, the fact that you respond and that you respond quickly are of key importance. You should also:
1. Never be Defensive
When you notice bad comments being made against you or your business, it can be tempting to respond in an emotional and defensive way. However, you must avoid this at all costs.
When faced with a negative comment, don’t consider it a reflection on you personally or on your business. Avoid being defensive when handling the comment. A defensive reaction from you can quickly escalate the issue. It’s best to be accommodating, polite and truly listen to the person complaining.
Remember that a bad comment does not mean that you are bad. It simply means that someone is not 100% happy, which can be due to a variety of different reasons. Don’t take things personally, but handle them professionally and politely instead.
2. Apologize and Offer a Solution
Bad comments are negative, by their very nature. However, they are actually a good thing, so long as you treat them properly. They are good because they offer an opportunity for you to learn how you can be even better. They are also an opportunity to show other customers that you know how to listen and you truly care about your customers. Hence, when you see a bad comment, you need to apologize and try to offer a solution.
“This is your opportunity to turn a disgruntled customer into your brand’s evangelist! This person (or people) obviously had some sense of loyalty to your brand if they’ve spent their money with you, “liked” your Facebook fan page, and/or followed you on Twitter.”
Did you know that only 20% of people who are unhappy take the time out to complain? This means that those who have left the bad comment are still approachable for a resolution, or they wouldn’t have contacted you at all. Furthermore, by apologizing to them and offering them a solution, you are doing the same for the 80% of complainants who did not take the time out to talk to you. This is one great way to prevent the need to suppress bad comments online.
3. Post Fantastic Content About You
Last but certainly not least, when you suppress your bad comments online, you need to make a full commitment and effort. What this means is not that you physically remove each item, one-by-one. As you can imagine, this can be almost impossible to find everything. If you highlight many positive things, these will go up the search results while the bad things will quickly drop down in the search results.
You’d be amazed at how consistent educational, informative, and inspirational posts and efficiently good press can outweigh anything bad. Learn how to remove articles from the internet while promoting yourself in a positive light.
Be quick, be apologetic, offer a solution, and be proactive in terms of sending out information that is positive and places you in a good light. Those are the best options available to you in terms of dealing with bad comments online.
Suppressing each bad comment about you or someone you care about online can be time-consuming. If you are ready to get started or have additional questions to suppress bad comments, contact us today.
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The Dark Side of Online Reputation Management
Online reputation management (ORM) is a great tool to manage your online image, but there are negative attributes about ORM that users need to be aware of. Surprisingly enough, some service providers utilize borderline illegal business methods commonly used by the dark side of online reputation management. One of these methods includes being a “mugshot extortionist”.
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Mugshot Extortionist
Businesses can be affected by mugshots of executives or high-ranking individuals. This is a common reason that business owners contact online reputation management firms and ask for help in the removal of a past mugshot. For proper online reputation management firms (like EraseMugshots), they would utilize SEO and attempt to push down the results of the mugshot.
For illegitimate firms, they ask for a small fee and can “take the photo down”. After the fee is paid and the picture is taken down, it is then re-uploaded on another site, asking for another fee as well, which is then repeated. Henceforth, this process is financially draining and completely non-beneficial. We guarantee all of our work 100%. Meaning if this occurs and we cannot remove it, you receive a full refund.
Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation
Avoiding “mugshot extortionist” and other illegitimate online reputation scams can be done by using tips to manage your own online reputation. Whether you are a business that is trying to grow or dealing with a dark online past, the following tips can be helpful:
Not Responding to Negative Reviews
Responding to negative reviews actually can be more harmful than helpful. Stop researching your negative reviews, the more you do the higher Google will show them. Building trust is important is business and especially with your customers.
Utilize Other Ways to Respond to Consumers
Handling negative reviews can be as simple as replying to them. Make sure you are replying in a polite manner on a site you control. This could be through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or any other various company sites. Gaining customer feedback is essential to your growth. The more feedback, the better site ranking.
Properly Dealing with Mugshot Sites
Upload photos on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. This can permit the photos that you upload to become some of the top results for pictures of you on Google.
Use Credible Sources
Furthermore, your presence online is growing every day. Finding the most credible sources to help with these issues is the best way to ensure a positive online image.
Along with contacting credible sources, not all online reputation management firms use extortion scams such as “mugshot extortion”. There are plenty of online reputation management firms and strategies that you can use that are extremely beneficial. In conclusion, make sure you know who is the real deal.
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How to Protect Yourself From Online Embarrassment
How to Protect Yourself From Online Embarrassment in 2019
Have you ever heard the old saying, “once something is online it is there forever”? Well, in a sense this can be true in today’s world.
With the emergence of social networks and how easily individuals can gain access to the internet, there is always a chance that your personal information can fall into the wrong hands.
Knowing how to act is important however knowing how to prevent online embarrassment will not only save you stress but money in the long run.
In this article, we will discuss how you can use online reputation management services and popular practices to minimize the risk of online embarrassment. In addition, we will cover how to properly use social media to reduce the spread of your personal information online.
Having a plan of recourse is never a bad idea. Learn how to create crisis management strategies with the best team in online reputation.
Now let’s dive into how online reputation is assisting individuals with monitoring, maintaining, and even restoring a positive web presence.
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Using Online Reputation to Protect Yourself From Online Embarrassment
What is online reputation management? For those of you who are new to reputation management, online reputation management or ORM is the art of restoring, maintaining, and monitoring the online presence or notoriety of either an individual or a business.
When you share personal information online it is important to remember how large the internet is and how many people use it on a daily basis. Even if you are a normal person with a minimal presence online that does not mean you should stop worrying about cyber threats.
There are millions of cyber threats each year such as identity theft that cripple individuals not only financially but these threats could be an everlasting effect on relationships you have both on and offline.
It is better to start from scratch than to restore a negative reputation.
As you work to build and establish a name for yourself online it is important that you focus your efforts heavily on social media, press releases self-promotions, and SEO (if you have a personal website about yourself).
The most powerful of the three would be the distribution of press releases. Head over to Google and search for local news outlets in your area. Reach out to them and see if they offer a paid service where you write the press release and they publish it on their website for a fee.
Therefore, press releases are a sure-fire way to have new content to reach the first front pages of Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Next, share those press releases via your social media accounts to gain more exposure.
Lastly, you can copy and paste your new release onto a custom website. Optimize it in hopes of obtaining another spot on Google’s SERPs.
![Protect Yourself From Online Embarrassment](
Being Smart on Social Media
When it comes to sharing content online. It may be your first instinct to share funny, controversial, and borderline inappropriate content with your friends and family members.
Unfortunately, these actions can have everlasting effects on your online reputation as you grow older. If you have little to no information online about your search engines such as Google will scour the internet to find anything they can.
This could be a college photo of your drinking 10 years ago. Or an inappropriate Tweet that you thought was funny at the time.
Start by customizing your account settings and making your social networking accounts are private. This will limit the chances of anything reaching Google. Which may be good or bad depending on your situation. However, you will not have to worry about embarrassing photos appearing in the Images tab for the world to see.
Make sure the connections you make on each social platform such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are people you trust seeing the information you post.
In other words, if you constantly post photos of you and your friends partying or on vacation. It may be a good idea not to befriend any of your work colleagues.
One easy tip to monitor yourself online is by tracking your name on Google Alerts. This tool allows you to receive instant email notifications the second something about you is published online.
Lastly, this could be a comment on one of your social platforms. Or an entire story about you posted by a third party without your consent. Google Alerts allows you to take action quickly if something negative happens online.
Control the Flow of Your Personal Information Online
So to elaborate more on how you can better control the flow of your personal information online it is important to know where you appear in the first place.
Our team here at will search over 400 websites. In search of any trace of information about you on the web.
If you would like to conduct this search yourself. We recommend searching through the first 10 pages of Google, Bing, AND Yahoo when starting out.
One of the easiest ways to control the spread of your information to set your privacy settings on social media platforms. In addition to limiting what the online world can see about you. You can also remove your information from over 45 background reporting agencies.
Otherwise known as People Search websites. These data aggregate websites house lots of personal information including your contact information, social media links, criminal history, and much more.
Furthermore, our team offers a simple removal solution to clear your name on your behalf. So, if you are interested in learning more about how Guaranteed Removal can assist you. Please fill out the form below and we will reach out to within 24-hours with a detailed solution.
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