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What Does Reputation Management Offer?

What Does Reputation Management Offer

Reputation Management: Online reputation management (ORM) is one of the most important elements of protecting a business’s brand reputation. A reputation is one of the most vital assets for any organization, and it takes years to build up. Famous entrepreneur and investor, Warren Buffett perhaps described best why reputation management is so incredibly important.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Indeed, a single negative review or comment left by an angry customer, a disgruntled employee, or even the competition, can undo years of hard work and dedication. It doesn’t even matter whether the comment or review is true or not. Once it is there, it creates an impression on prospective customers. This is why you must focus on properly managing your reputation, which you should leave to the professionals, if possible. Therefore, what does a reputation management offer?

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reputation management1. Brand and Issue Monitoring

When you ask “what do reputation management offer,” it is important to note that the first thing we do is monitor the narrative. We will find out what information currently exists about you, something that is known as brand monitoring.

“The term “brand monitoring” refers to the observation of comments made about the brand, the products, or the company itself. With this, relevant sources are regularly checked.

At the same time, we will monitor issues as well. This means that we will look at the issues that matter to your particular demographics, and ensure you offer those as a company. This could be anything from a greater focus on environmental sustainability to free postage and packaging.


2. Removing Negative Reviews

Removing reviews is not always possible, nor is it always recommended. If someone has a genuine issue, and your response is to simply remove it because it is on a space that you control, all the individual will do is go to space you don’t control and repeat what he or she said, but with even more anger. Nevertheless, it is possible to remove the comment when it is negative or an outright lie.

“Did that user claim something false about your company? Is that review clearly aimed at destroying your reputation rather than providing feedback? Does it contain improper language? Legal liaison and speed of reaction will make it possible to remove the negative review.”

As such, reputation management is also about investigating issues and making decisions based on that.


3. Focusing on Social Media

A key element of fabricating, maintaining, and repairing an online reputation, is to be active on social media. The world now communicates through channels such as Facebook and Twitter, and consumers make decisions based on what they find there. Thus, there is a close link between reputation management and social media marketing. Making sure your social media profiles are properly set up and used is a key element of what can be done for you.

“Once someone likes the company page, content you post will appear in their newsfeed alongside posts from friends and family. Besides the big names like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, there are many smaller social media platforms, each one offering access to valuable groups of potential customers who may be hard to reach in any other way.”

When you ask the question “what do reputation management offer” consider the above items. Basically, we provide a blanket service that monitors the entire internet and we use all the available tools to place your business in a positive light. These services are invaluable in today’s world that is becoming increasingly digital. With more and more people basing their purchasing decisions on what they find online, we cannot stress enough the importance of reputation management.

If you’re ready for reputation management, contact us today and we will walk you step-by-step through the quick and easy process.

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