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Brand Crisis Management

Brand Crisis Management

Brand crisis management measures can be linked to many diverse processes within strategic reputation management such as procedure formulation, implementation, and evaluation. 


The degree to which businesses can change from being crisis-prone to being crisis-prepared may well correlate with the fact that they are ready to disseminate crisis management and strategic management processes at any given time. 


Moreover, the strategic assessment does not fully address dilemmas that could be encountered in the long term by administering and supporting a preferred brand crisis management strategy.


This, of course, is mostly caused by changes in the business ecosystem


Consequently, a well-known facet of strategic and brand crisis management is examining the business’s internal and external environment. Doing so will help indicate that some strategies are more crisis-prone than others.


  • 60% of businesses are equipped with a crisis management plan
  • 56% of the businesses with a plan have chosen a crisis management team
  • 50% of the businesses with plans have directed crisis exercises or simulations
  • 38% of the businesses with plans have faculty qualified in crisis management arts
  • 90% of the businesses with plans have formal education once per year


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Create Efficient Communication Plans (Internal & External)

Perhaps the most important element in the crisis management process is the intention of the organizational structure that will come into play during the crisis event. 


In numerous cases, a brand crisis management model appears to be the most desired and effective structure choice.


The second issue which must be addressed is the selection of the crisis team


When selecting which individuals are to be assigned to the team, deliberation must be given to the magnitude of the required task. In addition to whether or not it will require a long term as opposed to a short term commitment by its members.


Next, the designed crisis team manager is tasked with strengthening the group into an effective working unit. Throughout this method, the manager must continuously be aware of the purpose of the unit. 


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Whereas, in this case, it is to deal with any and all brand crises while still enabling the remainder of the organization to work in line with a regular routine.


The evolution of this team is accomplished through the examination of goals and functions as well as each group and individual processes. 


Once the team members understand these issues, the change into a useful cohesive unit commences.


The fourth step in the process is the conception and implementation of the crisis audit. This embodies the tools that collect information and further categorize them into goals. 


Brand Crisis Management Priorities

These priorities are not separate and distinct from the organizational objectives. 


The priorities are in reality steps needed to guarantee that organizational goals can be achieved in spite of the crisis factors.


Once the team goals and crisis priorities have been established. The next issue to be addressed is the implementation of the crisis plan. 


For many organizations, the plan will usually consist of five elements: 

  1. Building a Foundation
  2. Developing Goals
  3. Brainstorm Theories
  4. Identify Trigger Mechanism
  5. Decide of Effective Action Moves


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The foundation gives a summary of the crisis situation. While the goals and objectives are designed to precisely outline the purpose and reduce generalizations and uncertainties. 


Your theories will reiterate those circumstances over which we have little control, yet will have a major impact if they transpire.


A trigger mechanism is a notification tool that brings the plan into activation. 


It must be structured in such a way that it will not be inappropriately executed or limited in any way. 


Once implemented by the trigger mechanism, the plan, now fully implemented, moves the team into the action phase. 



Why You Need a Brand Crisis Management Plan Now

Before we get started, these issues change how we need to address the response. Here are a few structural components that we want to consider:

  • Do we have the right people to address this situation?
  • Who does what?
  • What tools do you have to manage incoming information?
  • Is the visibility of our stakeholders affected?
  • Do we have a means for managing social media and crisis communications?
  • Will our staff/customers/stakeholders have trust that we are in control?


The problem of when to have a proactive plan breaks down into two parts.

  1. Why do I need a crisis management plan? 
  2. How does it need to be proactive?


To acknowledge the first part, it is worth examining some common interpretations of crisis management and crises. 


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Monitoring Social Mentions

Another perspective of crisis management has also developed over the last years; the constant media coverage through internet news websites and popular social media channels.


Companies are constantly defied and beaten with new data resulting in a crisis that evolves hour by hour. Necessitating that the crisis must be managed through rapid response.


Long Term Ideas to Combat Brand Crises

Other experts in the field have also identified the common long-term property of the two management fields and how they deal with emergent situations and are concerned with organizational survival in the future. 


The strategic plan of an organization or a nation is incomplete unless it includes the integration of crisis management.


What Makes a Crisis Plan a Success?

Planning in order to prevent crises requires a strategic approach and mindset. 


Managers, when developing corporate strategies, should be aware of potential events that may lead to crises. 


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Crisis Response Plan to Improve Brand Reputation

Although the circumstance has improved over the last few years, traditional crisis management is still observed as a separate planning process and not intertwined with policy. 


Notwithstanding the developing interest in the strategic value of crises, our understanding of the area is limited. 


One key point is that the precise relationship between a firm’s strategic environment and its crisis management decisions remains to be completely blueprinted. 


Furthermore, there are several articles discussing crisis and strategic integration focus mostly on the coordination of activities within two separate management fields.


To conclude, the indicative lack of focus on the crisis aspect of strategic management could be a problem in future crisis handling. This should be addressed more thoroughly by business managers.


Build your business a safety net now and be proactive. Don’t wait until a brand crisis appears before you decide to take action. To get started today on building an effective brand crisis management plan please complete the form below.

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