How To Get Mug Shots Removed in 2019

How To Get Mug Shots Removed
Have you ever been arrested? The odds are your mug shot and arrest details can be easily found online if you know where to look. Most adults in the United States rarely Google themselves, however when they do over half claim the results are not positive.
While working to remove your mug shots from search engines such as Google, Bing and/or Yahoo there are many things you must take into consideration. Most websites will not remove your mugshot simply because you do not like it is online. A majority of this mugshot publication website may require you to provide the necessary documentation from the courthouse or that has been signed off on by a Judge.
In short, the process is fairly straightforward. You begin by tracking down what websites your arrest records are appearing on. This can be done through a simple Google search by typing in your full name followed by the word “arrest”. If you have a fairly popular name such as John Smith, try adding the county or state where the arrest occurred in order to better narrow down your results.
As you begin locating your records online, record them within an excel spreadsheet or Google sheets, this way you are not consistently typing your name and arrest into Google. More often than not, repeated searches on Google informs the search engine that you are interested in that content which may potentially rank it higher over time. Create a spreadsheet so you have easy access to what sites have published your criminal records.
Next, you will locate any contact information available online in reference to the websites that have posted your information. This can be accomplished by submitted a contact form on that specific website or using a Google extension such as to reveal any public email address associated with that website.
Please see the snippet below for an example of what that will look like for you. In this example we used Click here to download the plugin onto your browser.

Getting Started: How to Get Mug Shots Removed from Google Search
In this day and age, everyone turns to search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo to seek out answers to all of there questions, comments validations, and concerns. Regardless of what you believe your reputation to be, the true test is the first page of Google.
We see this every day. Individuals are turned down for employment opportunities, housing agreements, business partnerships, or even rejected when attempting to try online dating. What the internet says about you has a strong effect on your life. Gone are the days of first impressions, that is why it is imperative that you ensure the first several pages (the first page especially) are free of negative information. This also goes for the “Images” tab where most individuals first notice their mug shot.
It is important to note again that Google nor any other search engine manually select what website rank in what order. Depending on the popularity of the listed websites in conjunction with the visitor traffic that the individual page receives will determine what page and position it ranks within the SERPs.
This can be extremely disheartening to those who have a minimal web presence, or lack of information about themselves online. When this occurs Google will scour the entire internet for any trace of your name on a website so it can prompt each end-user with a qualified suggestion.
Additional Facts About Finding Your Mug Shot Online
Furthermore, there are some more bits of information you should know when working to rid the internet of your arrest details. Learning how to get mug shots removed online is no easy task. It may take you weeks or months to successfully contact one of the website owners.
On top of this, the average person when they are arrested is posted on approximately 5-10 websites depending on the location of the arrest occurred.

How to Get Mug Shots Removed Online for FREE!
Although this is rarely the case, removing a mug shot from the internet for free is indeed possible if you can provide the right court documents.
Most mug shot website is owned by individuals just like you, average citizens that wanted to create a website and an additional stream of income through advertising efforts and unfortunately profiting off of your hardships in life.
We see news broadcasters do this each and every day. They report the latest celebrity that received a DUI, Public Drunkenness, or a professional athlete getting caught with Domestic Violence. It is all fun in games when the wealthy get in trouble but when this begins to happen to everyone the tables quickly turn and people are against it.
Here are some quick and easy ways you can start to work towards removing your mug shot online for free:
- Contacting the owner and politely requesting a mugshot removal
- Send your legal expungement or dismissal paperwork to their physical address
- Obtain the copyrights to your image and then file a lawsuit
Again, if you have exhausted all of your efforts online and would like to pass this task off to the professionals please fill out the form below and one of our knowledgable removal specialists will reach out to you as soon as possible.
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