Tips For Improving Your Background in 2021
Tips for improving your background can be found across the internet. Previously, the only way someone could ever find out about his or her background was to look through the physical albums or drive past that person’s home. Today, however, everything about us is online, from our arrest records to our behavior during a stag party in Vegas (what happens in Vegas no longer stays in Vegas!).
It is therefore incredibly important that you are aware of how little privacy you still have, and about the fact that people actually can look you up online. This is why you need to make sure that you have a clean online background. We are offering the following tips for improving your background so that you don’t miss opportunities in life just because of a tainted online background.
1. Set Up Plenty of Social Media Accounts
The first thing you have to do in improving your background is to effectively take ownership of your name online, which you can do through social media.
“If you’re a true late adopter or finding it difficult to convince yourself to sign up for yet another social media account, remember that it doesn’t take much activity or work to set up a bare-bones profile.”
People, including new friends, prospective employers, romantic interests, school admission counselors, and so on, all look you up and social media is the first place they go. Make sure, therefore, that if they type in your name on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, or any other such channel, they actually find you and not someone with the same name or worse still, someone posing as you.
2. Google Yourself
Before you can improve your background, you need to know what you’re up against. What do people see when they try to find you? The second one among the tips for improving your background is to enter your own name in Google to see what comes up.
“Take some time to search your name on Google and see what information comes up. This includes things you might have forgotten all about, like old social profiles from your youth with potentially embarrassing or reputation-damaging content.” Said Dobey.
Do also set up an alert to receive a notification whenever something new appears about you online.
3. Have a Good Profile Picture
When people google you, one of the things they will look at is your pictures. In fact, all they need to do is click on Google Images to see what comes up. Do you really want strangers to see that and base their opinion of you from it? If not, then you must make sure your profile picture looks professional.
“A Professional Headshot is Key: By “professional” I am not referring to paying a photographer $1,500 for a photoshoot (dig deep enough on the web and you can get a headshot for under $100).”
4. Create and Curate Content
You also need to make sure that you have an active online presence. Finally, the last one among the tips for improving your background is to curate your content to make yourself look more professional and authoritative.
“For some, making a career portfolio might be difficult. For example, an accountant may struggle to come up with particularly intriguing examples of work projects to put online. If that sounds like you, consider writing thought pieces instead and publishing them on a blog.”
With the above four tips, you should end up with a clean and professional-looking background. If there is significantly damaging information about you online, such as a mugshot, arrest records, bad reviews, you may need a professional service, however.
Contact us today and improve your background with Guaranteed Removal.
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